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Reflections On The Legacy Of A 99 Year Old

As Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad celebrates his 99th birthday, it has been a somewhat muted year for the elder statesman, with a quick look at posts celebrating his birthday often being a mixed bag of praise and chastisement.

For most of his fans, the view of Mahathir's legacy is pretty simple – a tenure marked by rapid industrialization and ambitious infrastructure projects propelled Malaysia onto the global stage.
However, these policies came at a significant cost. His heavy-handed approach to economic management led to crony capitalism, where government contracts and licenses were awarded to a select group of politically connected individuals. This fostered an environment of corruption and nepotism that stymied genuine competition and innovation, hindering Malaysia's potential for sustainable, equitable growth.

The financial crisis of 1997-1998 exposed the vulnerabilities of Mahathir's economic model. Instead of implementing transparent reforms, Mahathir resorted to capital controls and bailouts for politically connected businesses. These measures protected the elite at the expense of ordinary Malaysians, deepening income inequality and eroding public trust in the government's ability to manage the economy reasonably.

On a leadership level, Mahathir has often toyed with accusations that he was a dictator. Yet his suppression of dissent and curtailing civil liberties during his first tenure as Prime Minister were hallmarks of his "benevolent."

The use of the Internal Security Act (ISA) to detain political opponents without trial exemplified his disregard for democratic principles. The Operasi Lalang crackdown in 1987, where over 100 opposition politicians, activists, and intellectuals were arrested, is a stark reminder of the lengths to which Mahathir would go to silence criticism.

Freedom of the press also suffered under Mahathir. Media outlets were either directly controlled by the government or subjected to stringent regulations, stifling free speech and limiting the public's access to unbiased information. This environment of fear and censorship stunted the development of a robust civil society and undermined democratic institutions.

One of the most damaging aspects of Mahathir's legacy is the erosion of Malaysia's institutional integrity. His dismissal of Lord President Tun Salleh Abbas and other senior judges in 1988 marked a significant blow to judicial independence. This move was widely seen as an attempt to subjugate the judiciary to the executive branch, compromising the checks and balances fundamental to any democracy.

The long-term repercussions of this institutional degradation are still felt today. Subsequent administrations have struggled to restore public confidence in the judiciary, and the perception of judicial partiality continues to taint Malaysia's legal system. This erosion of trust undermines the rule of law and hampers efforts to combat corruption and promote good governance.
Mahathir's tenure also had profound implications for ethnic relations in Malaysia. While he promoted the idea of a united Malaysian identity, his policies often exacerbated ethnic tensions. The New Economic Policy (NEP), introduced after the 1969 racial riots, addressed economic disparities between ethnic groups. However, its implementation under Mahathir's administration was criticized for benefiting a small Malay elite while failing to uplift the broader Bumiputera population.

The emphasis on affirmative action for Malays and other indigenous groups often alienated the Chinese and Indian communities, fostering a sense of marginalisation and division. This legacy of ethnic polarisation remains a significant challenge for Malaysia, hindering efforts to build a cohesive and inclusive society.

The former prime minister has repeatedly made allegations suggesting that external efforts are underway to transform Malaysia, originally referred to as "Tanah Melayu" (the land of the Malays), into a multiethnic nation. He has also claimed that these individuals refuse to acknowledge Malays as the country's founders, locals, and builders.

As Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad celebrates his 99th birthday, it is crucial that Malaysians as a whole should engage in a balanced reflection on his legacy. While his contributions to Malaysia's development are undeniable, the negative consequences of his policies and governance style must also be acknowledged. Addressing these issues is essential for Malaysia to move forward and build a more democratic, equitable, and inclusive future.


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