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Mahathir, Stop Trying To Race Bait Us, We Know

The second day after the KKB by-election results coincided with the 55th anniversary of the 13 May 1969 race riots. It happened three days after the May 10 election of that year, the third after Malaysia’s independence on Aug 31, 1957.

It has left an indelible mark on the Malaysian psyche—yet one of the few Malaysians left to have lived through that incident, a once powerful and well-regarded one, none other than Tun Mahathir, decided to declare on his social media accounts: The Malays have lost their way. If they voted for a non-Malay in Kuala Kubu Bharu, why not a non-Malay PM?
Thankfully, Malaysians of all stripes thoroughly rejected this, with many mocking the old nonagenarian for continuing to put himself in the public eye despite his recent legacy marred by political miscalculation and betrayals of the people’s mandate.

For most Malaysians, the incident is nothing but a near myth - only discussed in whispers and anonymous corners of the internet. Yet the consequences of that sordid day continue to haunt us today.

The official line is that it was a spontaneous outpouring of emotion by the Malay community in response to grave provocation by opposition parties who had made much progress in the 1969 election.

The May 13, 1969, incident in Malaysia remains controversial. Officially, it was portrayed as a spontaneous outpouring of emotion by the Malay community in response to opposition provocation during the 1969 election.

However, some believe the ruling Alliance (Umno, MCA, and MIC) calculated the move to maintain power under the guise of stability. The events began with an opposition victory demonstration on May 12, 1969, followed by Umno’s planned parade on May 13. Tunku Abdul Rahman, the then-prime minister, may not have been aware of the police permission for the opposition’s demonstration.

Conflicting accounts persist regarding what transpired next.

During the May 13, 1969, incident in Malaysia, Tun Mahathir Mohamad, who would later become a prominent prime minister, was not directly implicated in the events. However, historical perspectives vary. Some suggest that the incident was orchestrated by politicians to destabilize then-Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman, which makes his attempts at race-baiting more transparent.

Dr. Kua Kia Soong, in his book May 13: Declassified Documents on the Malaysian Riots of 1969, contends that the May 13 Incident was primarily a coup d’état orchestrated by the emerging Malay state capitalist class. They aimed to depose Tunku Abdul Rahman, who represented the outdated Malay aristocracy.
I, for one, accept the theory that this was all political machinations – with the average Malaysian serving as an unwitting tool.

We see the parallels today, with various upcoming Malay political figures, often posturing at the expense of real people, to be labelled as the next “jagua kampung”.

Looking ahead, Malaysians should appreciate the longstanding religious and racial harmony in the country since Independence. While the May 13, 1969 incident remains a dark chapter in our history, it serves as a lesson not to allow politicians to exploit racial and religious sentiments for their political gain.

As citizens, we must stand united and reject any political party that stokes division unequivocally. Let the ordinary people shape the narrative, ensuring that politicians prioritise the nation’s well-being over their interests. We cannot afford the further loss of life or the deterioration of our country due to political manoeuvring.


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