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Showing posts from August, 2024

You Have Their Number, Syed Saddiq

Syed Saddiq has been in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons lately, facing a series of unfortunate incidents that have significantly tarnished his image in the eyes of the average Malaysian. His recent missteps and lack of political acumen have only compounded the damage. One incident that brought almost the entire Malaysian social media community down on him was the controversy surrounding his supposed "completion" of the 113 Triathlon Desaru 2024. In a post that initially claimed he had secured 3rd place in the event, eagle-eyed netizens quickly debunked his assertion, raising questions over his actual achievement. Saddiq later admitted that this was an "honest mistake," but how often can he rely on such excuses? His consistent pattern of gaffes raises doubts about his credibility, both in his pursuits and, more importantly, in the political arena. Most recently, Saddiq found himself in hot water again after criticising the government's purported plan to b

Syed Saddiq Putar Belit Fakta Sebenar

Ahli Parlimen Muar, Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman mengkritik kerajaan kerana mengenakan pengharaman terhadap platform media sosial yang melanggar arahan Suruhanjaya Komunikasi Malaysia (SKMM). Dakwa Syed Saddiq, keputusan kerajaan itu dilihat sebagai satu cubaan untuk memperluaskan pemerintahan terhadap rakyat. Namun dakwaan tersebut menerima kecaman daripada rakyat yang mengatakan Syed Saddiq telah memutarbelitkan fakta sebenar. Kerajaan menerusi kenyataan media sebelum itu mengatakan satu kerangka kawal selia baharu akan diperkenalkan pada 1 Ogos dan mula dikuatkuasakan pada 1 Januari 2025. Jelas kerajaan, perkhidmatan media sosial dan perkhidmatan pesanan Internet perlu mematuhi undang-undang Malaysia demi memerangi peningkatan kes jenayah siber termasuk penipuan dalam talian, buli siber dan jenayah seksual terhadap kanak-kanak. Kenyataan itu tidak menyebut tentang bahan-bahan berunsur kritikan terhadap kerajaan bakal diharamkan seperti didakwa oleh Syed Saddiq. Langkah berkenaan me

Reflections On The Legacy Of A 99 Year Old

As Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad celebrates his 99th birthday, it has been a somewhat muted year for the elder statesman, with a quick look at posts celebrating his birthday often being a mixed bag of praise and chastisement. For most of his fans, the view of Mahathir's legacy is pretty simple – a tenure marked by rapid industrialization and ambitious infrastructure projects propelled Malaysia onto the global stage. However, these policies came at a significant cost. His heavy-handed approach to economic management led to crony capitalism, where government contracts and licenses were awarded to a select group of politically connected individuals. This fostered an environment of corruption and nepotism that stymied genuine competition and innovation, hindering Malaysia's potential for sustainable, equitable growth. The financial crisis of 1997-1998 exposed the vulnerabilities of Mahathir's economic model. Instead of implementing transparent reforms, Mahathir resorted to capital co